Thursday, January 5, 2012

Graco SafeSeat Infant Car Seat

!±8± Graco SafeSeat Infant Car Seat

Are you expecting a baby in the near future? If so, one thing you will want to prepare for is their car safety. From the day we bring them home from the hospital they need a child car seat. These are what protects them, keeps them safe and you out of trouble as a parent. Without one, you can get into big trouble with the law and endanger your little one. So, if you're currently in need of one, let us help you out!

There are several great car seats on the market. To start you can either go the infant or convertible route. Although personally, I prefer the infant route first. They are very easy to carry, are lighter weight and make a great first safety seat. So, if you're searching for a great infant seat, we have a great choice for you.

The Graco SafeSeat is a great car seat that has several great features, reviews and ratings from parents. To find out more about this seat, continue reading below!

Features included:

To start, this seat is made for children weighing up to 30 lbs and 32" tall. It should only be rear-facing and upgraded once your child weighs more than 30 lbs.

• It has been engineered and crash tested to meet or exceed all U.S. safety standards.
• It is known to fit 97% of all one year olds and allows them to remain rear-facing.
• Comes with EPS energy absorbing foam for your child's comfort and safety.
• Has a 5-point harness, something parents love!
• Comes with a luxury foam pillow for extra support and their comfort.
• It includes a 180° canopy.
• And lastly, it has an easy to read and easy to use level indicator to help you while you are installing the seat.

There are a lot of great car seats on the market and a lot of brands, features, styles, and kinds to choose from. Although, the best advice I can give someone that is looking for a car seat is to find one that has great reviews and is recommended by other parents who own it and use it for their child. You want what is best, safest and most comfortable for your child. When the reviews are good, you know you can't go wrong. There are a lot of picky people in this world, and if you find a car seat that doesn't have any complaints, go with it and consider it for your child!

Graco SafeSeat Infant Car Seat

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